Why is the climate changing?

World renown psychic 'Edgar Cayce' prophesied the earth would be transformed by a pole shift in a process now referred to as 'crustal displacement'...is this the real narrative behind climate change?...Have your say!
Don't know...never heard of 'crustal displacement'
0% (0 votes)
No...CO2 is responsible for climate change, and we need to reduce our emissions now
0% (0 votes)
Yes...crustal displacement is the main cause of climate change and there isn't a thing we can do about it
100% (1 vote)
Total votes: 1

1 comment on "Why is the climate changing?"

Phil's picture

Submitted by Phil on Fri, 07/19/2024 - 01:37

A good read...The topic of climate change is familiar to all of us, the popular press tells us this is related to manmade CO2, yet controversy remains, why are CO2 levels so critical now, when ice core analysis shows current CO2 levels are relatively low, and much higher levels were associated with periods of fertile growth and speciation. Yet seemingly, in confirmation of the greenhouse effect, the ice caps are melting, and perhaps the climate really is changing. David Montaigne in his book 'Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced' explores the evidence for a little talked about theory of climate change and glaciation, 'crustal displacement', while the mechanism is not fully understood, it envisages the potentially rapid, irregular motion of the earth's crust, rotating independent of the molten core, when exposed to certain periodic, astronomical influences. Principle sources of evidence include:

The ongoing exposure of large flash frozen mammals in the now melting ice of Siberia, indicating a rapid, permanent change of climate from sub-tropical or temperate to polar conditions, occurring over just hours / days , the Woolly Mammoths have attracted much media attention, but many large land mammals are similarly being found.

The existence of ancient coral reefs...while coral reefs follow the warmer waters of the equator, ancient coral reef bands can be found crisscrossing different parts of the globe, including the poles, implying the poles may have been elsewhere in the distant past.

The geological record...when volcanic magma cools and solidifies, the ions orientate themselves towards the poles, analysis of these irons shows many orientations and movements of up to 6 degrees per day. While some argue this is evidence of a magnetic shift only and not a geographical shift, others argue the one is a precursor of the other, and still others argue the magnetic pole is not moving at all, and only appears to be moving due to a geographical shift (crustal displacement).

The existence of myth and end-times prophesies...many modern day truth seekers, speculate the myths surrounding ancient continents of Lymuria, Atlantis and Mu, are in fact our real history. Plato tells us there have been many previous civilizations, why did these civilizations rise and fall without trace? why is there secrecy surrounding the ancient pyramids, and denial of evidence regarding their true dating?

Psychic predictions...notably Edgar Cayce predicted great earth changes for our time, specifically due to a pole shift.

While no piece of evidence is of itself conclusive, presented together, it is a powerful explanation of diverse phenomena and conspiracy. Its interesting to note the theory was supported by Einstein, when first presented by Charles Hapgood in 1958, and yet is totally ignored today by mainstream academia. Some may even question why tracking information regarding the magnetic North Pole is now ‘classified’.wink